Magical Realism in Jonathan Stroud’s Novel The Screaming Staircase in Serial Lockwood and Co

Patikasari, Rika (2018) Magical Realism in Jonathan Stroud’s Novel The Screaming Staircase in Serial Lockwood and Co. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar.

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This researcher was about Magical Realism which aimed to find out the element of magical realism narrated in the novel The Screaming Staircase. This research focused on revealing the five elements of magical realism narrated in the novel using the Theory about magical realism by Faris. The data were analyzed through descriptive method. This research used note taking as the instrument to get the valid data. The findings revealed that element of magical realism are narrated in the novel The screaming staircase. This is evidenced by the fulfillment of the five element of magical realism in the novel. Through the five elements found, this research also looked at the levels of magical realism in the novel, which found their magical and realism levels identified strongly. This is evidenced in the description of the magical realism narrative in the novel The Screaming Staircase laden with characteristics of Faris’s magical realism by showing the existence of myths in the modern era, namely raising the magical and realism related to the existence of ghosts in the lives of Londoners. The researcher concluded that the novel The Screaming Staircase was a magical realism work because the magical realism element was fulfilled in the novel and its magic and realism levels were identified strongly

Tipe Item: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi/Laporan D3 (Undergraduate (S1))
Subjek: 800 Kesusastraan > 823 Fiksi Inggris, Prosa Inggris
Lembaga/Fakultas/Jurusan: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Users 5 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2020 23:01
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2020 23:02

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