Karya Ilmiah dengan Nama Penulis "Alwi, Zulfahmi"

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Number of items: 29.


Alwi, Zulfahmi (2022) Non-Muslims In The Nation-State: The Medina Charter As A Prototype For Islamic Wasathiyah Implementation In Indonesia. Ihyaussunnah: Journal of Ulumul Hadith and Living Sunnah, 2 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN P2809-1787

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Akbar, Akbar and Hady, Amin and Amir, Abdul Muiz and Dakir, Jawiah and Majid, Latifah Abdul (2021) The Anomaly of Good-Looking : The Relationship between Spirituality and Extremism on Hadith and Social Religious Perspective. QIJIS (Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 9 (2). pp. 463-502. ISSN p-ISSN: 2355-1895; e_ISSN: 2476-9304

Akbar, Akbar and Ahmad, Arifuddin and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Puyu, Darsul S. (2021) Anti Covid Hadith: Maqasidi Analysis on The Propeth's Guarantee on Medina's Sterility From Ta'un. Jurnal Adabiyah, 21 (2). ISSN p-ISSN 1412-6141; e-ISSN2548-7744

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Syariati, Alim (2021) An Assessment on Islamic Banking Ethics Through Some Salient Points in the Prophetic Tradition. Heliyon, 7 (5). ISSN 2405-8440

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Syariati, Alim and Sidik, Roziah Binti (2021) Hadith Corresponding Thoughts on the Ethical Interacting Behavior of Young Entrepreneurs in Indonesia. https://www.jafeb.org/journal/viewFullTextArchive.do, 8 (3). pp. 331-339. ISSN p-ISSN : 2288-4637/ e_ISSN : 2288-4645

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Syariati, Alim (2021) An assessment on Islamic banking ethics through some salient points in the prophetic tradition. An assessment on Islamic banking ethics through some salient points in the prophetic tradition, 7 (5). pp. 1-9.

Bulutoding, Lince and Habbe, Abd. Hamid and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Abdullah, Muhammad Wahyuddin (2020) Moslem Taxpayers’ Compliance Behavior in Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), 7 (3). pp. 214-224. ISSN 2349-6495(P)| 2456-1908(O)

Bulutoding, Lince and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu (2020) Akhlaq of Zakat Behavior among Determinant Factors of Intention in Malaysia: A Perspective of Prophet Muhammad Tradition. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 12 (6). pp. 902-912. ISSN 1943-023X

Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Kara, Muslimin and Bulutoding, Lince and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Sriwijaya, Marwan (2020) Financial Behavior of Indonesian Moslem Students Scholarship Recipients: The Role of Locus of Control and Financial Knowledge. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), 7 (4). pp. 281-292. ISSN 2349-6495(P)| 2456-1908(O)

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Syariati, Alim (2020) The Love of Money and Religiosity Relationship to Ethics in Young Entrepreneurs: A Hadith Perspective. Journal of Talent Development and Excellence, 12 (1). ISSN 1869-2885/1869-0459

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Bulutoding, Lince and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu (2019) Financial Satisfaction of Islamic Investing: The Role of Religiosity and Financial Knowledge. Proceeding of the 19th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies, AICIS 2019.

T, Rahmin and Husain, Husain and Ahmad, Arifuddin and Kara, Siti Aisyah and Alwi, Zulfahmi (2019) Polygamy in the Perspective of Hadith: Justice and Equality among Wives in A Polygamy Practice. https://ejournal.iainbengkulu.ac.id/index.php/madania/article/view/1954, 23 (1). ISSN p-ISSN 1410-8143; e-ISSN 2502-1826

Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Sunarti, Sunarti (2018) Pengaruh Kecerdasan Spritual dan Gaya Hidup Hedonisme terhadap Manajemen Keuangan Pribadi Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Kota Makassar. http://journal.uin-alauddin.ac.id/index.php/minds/article/view/5699, 5 (2). ISSN p-ISSN 2442-4951 / e-ISSN : 2597-6990

Ismail, Isriany and Nastity Handayany, Gemy and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Fitra, Muhammad (2016) Pengembangan Formulasi Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Botto'-Botto' (Chromolaena odorata (L) King& H.E. Robins) Sebagai Obat Luka. Al- Kalam, VIII (1). pp. 44-55. ISSN 22527915

Faradilah, Andi and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Akbar, Akbar Prophet's Eating Behavior Patterns and Body Composition Status Among Religious Lecturers.

Prosiding, Makalah Workshop dan Konferensi

Huriyah, Lilik and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Segara, Nuansa B. and Saifudin, Saifudin and Bisri, Shofar S. and Zubaidah, Ida (2021) Madrasah Teachers’ TPACK: To What Extent It Facilitates Students’ Learning for Literacy? In: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

Segara, Nuansa B and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Hariyah, Lilik and Musyarofah, Aj R and Saifuddin, Saifuddin and Bisri, Shofar S (2021) Teacher’s Perception: Designing Step-by-Step LOC-R (Literacy, Orientation, Collaboration, Reflection) in Sociocultural Literacy Teaching. In: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

Alwi, Zulfahmi (2019) Halal Analysis Principle for Food and Pharmaceutical: A Case Study of Gelatin. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies, Jakarta.

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Akbar, Akbar (2019) Haram Vaccination in the Prophet Muhammad’s Treatment Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies, Jakarta.

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Parmitasari, Rika Dwi Ayu (2019) Opportunities and Challenges of Developing Islamic Civilization: Case Study at UIN Alauddin Makassar. In: TH 10 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ISLAM, CIVILIZATION AND SCIENCE (ISICAS 2019).

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Ismail, Isriany and Sulaiman, Umar and Hafsan, Hafsan and Darmawansyih, Darmawansyih and Musgamy, Awaliah and Burhanuddin, Burhanuddin and Muklim, Asrul and Rahman, Muh. Akil and Nur, Fitriani and Maharani, Sardian (2018) The Potential of STILeS As A Learning System Improve the Competences of Islamic Higher Education Graduates. In: Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017), February 2018, Proceedings of the First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017).


Chandra, Helmi and Alwi, Zulfahmi and Rahman, Rahman and Ghozali, Imam and Irwanto, Muhammad (2021) Pengaruh Politik Sunni dan Syi'ah terhadap Perkembangan Ilmu Hadis. Rajawali Pers, Jakarta. ISBN 978-623-231-937-0

Alwi, Zulfahmi (2021) Studi Hadis dalam Tafsir Al-Maraghi: Analisis Kualitas Hadis dalam Tafsir Surah Al-Ma'idah. Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Intektual Menkuham R.I.

Alwi, Zulfahmi (2021) Studi Hadis dalam Tafsir Al-Maraghi: Analisis Kualitas dalam Tafsir Surah An-Nisa. Alauddin University Press.

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Fauzi, Ahmad and Rahman, Rahman and Wasalmi, Wasalmi and Zulfahmi, Zulfahmi (2021) Studi Ilmu Hadis Jilid 1. Rajawali Pers, Depok. ISBN 978-623-231-940-0

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Rahman, Rahman and Ghozali, Ahmad and Asriady, Muhammad and Wasalmi, Wasalmi (2021) Studi Ilmu Hadis Jilid 2. Rajawali Pers, Depok. ISBN 978-623-231-941-7

Alwi, Zulfahmi and Asrul, Muh Ikhsan and Hamzah, Nursalam and Haseng, Akbar (2019) Kajian Islam dan Sains Potensi Selulosa sebagai Bahan Baku Cangkang Kapsul Keras Halal. Pusaka Almaida, Gowa. ISBN 978-623-226-139-6


Zulfahmi Alwi (2022) Reproduksi Manusia; Suatu Kajian Hadis dan Hukum. 000322963.

Zulfahmi Alwi (2022) Studi Hadis dalam Tafsir Al Maraghi; Analisis Kualitas Hadis dalam Tafsir Surah Ali Imran. 000322964.

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