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Number of items: 46.

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Molina, Molina and Nurlia, Nurlia and Wahyuni, Wahyuni (2023) Determining Factors for Young Investors to Invest in the Capital Market. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8 (5). ISSN 2525-3654

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and DM, Rustam and Hasbiah, Hasbiah and Rahman, Muhammad Akil and Awaluddin, Sri Prilmayanti and Bahra, Nadya Yuni (2023) Distribution and Improvement of the Capital Market in Indonesia: A Comparative Study of Risk Management. The Journal of Distribution Science (JDS), 21 (5). ISSN 2093-7717

Rum, Muh. and Arsal, Muryani and Khalid, Ansyarif and Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2023) The Distribution of Tax Collectability, Quality of Tax Services Efforts to Tax Coverage Ratio. The Journal of Distribution Science (JDS), 21 (6). ISSN 2093-7717

Nusran, Muhammad and Parakkasi, Idris and Siri, Rusli and Anshar, Muhammad and Misbahuddin, Misbahuddin and Yasen, Syahruddin and Arifai, Samsul and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Ab, Achmad and Razak, Mashur and Arsyad, Kamaruddin and Nursamsu, Nursamsu and Verawaty, Verawaty and Trimulato, Trimulato and Iskandar, Azwar, Nusran, Muhammad and Tenriwaru, Tenriwaru and Andi Darmawangsa, M. Hasibuddin and Misbahuddin, Ardi and Samsuddin, Samsuddin (2021) Transformasi Lembaga Keuangan dalam Mendukung Sektor Usaha untuk Pengembangan Industri Halal. Yayasan Bina Insan Kamil, Makassar. ISBN 978-623-98288-0-6

Murtiadi Awaluddin (2021) Pengembangan Bisnis Ekonomi Umat Melalui Optimalisasi Peran Pesantren dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Ekonomi Desa di Masa Pandemi. EC00202177957.

Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Julia, Julia (2020) The Role of Understanding the Internet in Moderating Determinants of Taxpayer Compliance Levels (The Level of Personal Taxpayer Compliance at KPP Pratama Pangkalpinang). In: Proceedings of the 5th Padang International Conference on Economic Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Enterpreneurship (PICEEBA-5 2020).

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2020) Strategi UMKM Daerah dalam Menghadapi COVID-19. PROBLEMATIKA EKONOMI DAN PANDEMI COVID-19, 1 (1). Program Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi-FEB Unhas, Makassar. ISBN 978-623-95416-0-6

Rahman, Muh. Akil and Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2020) Dasar-Dasar Manajemen (Buku Bahan Ujian Komprehensif). Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-623-226-162-4

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2020) The Effect of Company Sizes and Net Working Capital on Cash Holding with Profitability as Intervening Variables in Food and Beverage Sub Sector Companies Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange. In: Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business 2020.

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2020) Implementasi Manajemen Risiko Pembiayaan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah (LKMS). Alauddin University Press, UPT Perpustakaan UIN Alauddin. ISBN 978-602-328-297-5

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suyuti, H.M. Gazali (2020) Optimization of Islamic Institute Role in Promoting Sharia Banking in Indonesia. MINDS : Jurnal Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi, 7 (2). ISSN p-ISSN : 2442-4951, e-ISSN : 2597-6990

Yulianto, Harry and Widoatmodjo, Sawidji and Silitonga, Saor and Anwar, Anas Iswanto and Saifuloh, Nur Imam and Syaiful, Syaiful and Karina, Arni and Anggraeni, Dian and Ikawidjaja, N. and Muhani, Muhani and Muchlis, Mustakim and Rony, Rony and Andry, Andry and Reviane, Indraswati Tri Abdi and Pradita, Riza and Awaloedin, Dipa Teruna and Waluyo, Tri and Taan, Hapsawati and Baptista Halik, Johannes and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Rahman, Muh. Akil and Galib, Mukhtar and Louhenapessy, D. William G. M. and Nurdin, Andi Heny Mulawati and Itta, Irawan and Ass, Syamsul Bakhtiar (2020) Problematika Ekonomi dan Pandemi Covid-19. Program Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi-FEB Unhas, Makassar. ISBN 978-623-95416-0-6

Muin, Rahmawati and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Islah, Islahuddin (2020) Tinjauan Metode Screening Saham Syariah pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Laa Maisyir: Journal of Islamic Economics, 7 (1).

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Sylvana, Andi (2019) E-Learning Vlog Model Development: Enhancing Learning Motivation and Cognitive Ability. In: The 33rd Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities Open Distance Learning: 2020 and Beyond, 14 - 16 Oktober 2019, Lahore Pakistan.

Rahman, Muh. Akil and Sumarlin, Sumarlin and Mus, Sari Fatimah and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi (2019) Green Accounting Concept Based on University Social Responsibility as A Form of University Environmental Awareness. Integrated Journal of Business and Economics, 3 (2). ISSN 2549-3280

H.M. Gazali Suyuti (2019) Optimalisasi Peran Perguruan Tinggi Isalm dalam Mendorong Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia. EC00201950405.

Sylvana, Andi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2019) Strategic Steps Towards The Open University Graduates Development Of The Competitiveness Of A Solution To Face Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era. In: The International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Science and Technology (ISBEST) 2018, 5 Desember 2018, Jakarta Pusat.

Sylvana, Andi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2018) The Effect of Human Resources and Use of Information and Communication Technology on the Performance of Tutors as Educational Diagnosticians in Face-To-Face Tutorials in Universitas Terbuka. In: The 32nd Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities, 24 – 26 October 2018, Meliã Hanoi Hotel, 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Pidu, Yasir M. and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Kusmaladewi, Kusmaladewi (2018) Innovation Model in Human Resources Capacity Development in Supporting Universitas Terbuka as A Cyber University. In: The 32nd Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities, 24 – 26 October 2018, Meliã Hanoi Hotel, 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Kusmaladewi, Kusmaladewi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Sylvana, Andi (2018) The Role of Team Building in Minimizing the Effect of Conflict on Employee Resistance to Change at Universitas Terbuka. In: The 32nd Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities, 24 – 26 October 2018, Meliã Hanoi Hotel, 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka (2017) Cahaya Cinta di Batu Putih. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-53-5

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka (2017) Embun Harapan di Kaki Gunung Langi Wanua Waru. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-62-7

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka (2017) Embun Pagi Desa Mattampapole. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-55-9

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka (2017) Estetika Kabut di Langit Attarong Desa Gattareng Matinggi. Pusaka Al Maida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-56-6

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka (2017) Legenda Samaenre (Ksatria 9 Bintang). Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-58-0

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Suhartini, Eka and Asis, Zakiyah and Amiruddin, M. Fauzi (2017) Lentera Harapan Desa Uludaya. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar.

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2017) Mentari di Bukit Padaelo. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-59-7

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2017) Panorama di bukit senja Desa barugae. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-52-8

Awaluddin, Murtiadi (2017) Sekerat Asa dari Tiga Dusun. Pusaka Almaida, Makassar. ISBN 978-602-5813-60-3

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Ulum Rusydi, Bahrul and Kara, Muslimin and Maznawati, Elvi Syahria Al-Adl sebagai Unsur Hukum Ekonomi Islam pada Implementasi Kebijakan Tax Amnesty di Ternate. Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law.

Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Rosalina, Erita and Elvany, Ratih and Awaluddin, Murtiadi Banking Financial Perfomance During Covid-19. Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology. ISSN 2668-778X

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Pratiwi, Dewi and Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi The Beta Role in Affecting Stock Returns with Unconditional and Conditional Approaches (Case Study of Companies Listed In The LQ 45 Index). Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Peradaban, 5 (1). ISSN p-ISSN : 2528-0317, e-ISSN : 2528-0325

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Sumarni, Sumarni and Prilmayanti, Sri Business Performance Fluctuation of Small Business as the Impact of Leadership Style, Financial Inclusion, and Financial Management in Makassar City. The Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology.

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Ilham, Ilham and Sijal, Mutakallim and Sylvana, Andi Controlling the Unemployment Rate in South Sulawesi Province through Economic Growth, Provincial Minimum Wage and Inflation. EcceS: Economics, Social, and Development Studies. ISSN p-2407-6635 e-2580-5770

Nugrahaningsih, Ratri and Setyadi, Djoko and Mintarti, Sri and Rochaida, Eny and Budi Suharto, Rachmad and Faturrahman, Faturrahman and Awaluddin, Murtiadi Effect of Organizational Commitment And Employee Empowerment and Reward and Punishment of Motivation BPJS Services and Performance of Employees in Hospital Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda, Indonesia. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT).

Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Yunita, Anggraeni and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Purbolakseto, Hengky Veru and Islaha, Umulya Event Study of the Tourism Sector Share Price Movement on the Implementation of Stimulus Tax Policy Interpretations Covid-19. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. ISSN 1583-6258

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Sholihin, Alim and Sumarlin, Sumarlin and Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Sylvana, Andi Existence of Company Size in Control Towards Family Ownership and Debt Policy Value of Companies. Integrated Journal of Business and Economics, 4 (2). ISSN 2549-3280

Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Reniati, Reniati Financial Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility on Return of Shares. Jurnal Akuntansi (S2), 23 (3). ISSN 1410-3591/2549-8800

Lukman, Lukman and Setyadi, Djoko and Suharto, Rahcmad Budi and Rochaida, Eny and Paminto, Ardi and Agustina, Duwi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi Influence Transformational Leadership of Organizational Culture and Total Quality Management and Motivation of Work and Organizational Performance Faculty of Engineering in Private Vocational School Kalimantan Area. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12 (13).

Sylvana, Andi and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Mutahajjid, Adib Marketing Strategy Model Based on the Benefit of Sharia Property Developers in Indonesia. The Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology.

Sulmi, Alif Ainul Khatimah and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Gani, Ilham and Kara, Muslimin Pengaruh Persepsi Kegunaan, Kemudahan, dan Keamanan terhadap Minat Menggunakan Layanan Mobile Banking (Studi Empiris pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Alauddin Makassar). IBEF: Islamic Banking, Economic and Financial Journal, 1 (2).

Muin, Rahmawati and Mansyur, Abdurrahman and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Rahman, Muhammad Akil Perbandingan Faktor yang Memengaruhi Keputusan Investor Muda dalam Berinvestasi Konvensional atau Syariah di Kota Makassar. MRBM (Media Riset Bisnis & Manajemen), 20 (1).

Nugraha, Dwi Yan and Basriani, Agustin and Susanti, Desi and Akbar, Y. Rahmat and Awaluddin, Murtiadi The Psychological Response of Society on the Expansion of Coronavirus Disease Cases (Covid-19). The Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology.

M, Jamaluddin and Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Asse, Ambo Public Control of Accountability: Efforts to Prevent Fraud Sustainability Budget Government Indonesia. Revista de Relações Internacionais, 3 (36). ISSN 2316-2880

Awaluddin, Murtiadi and Setijawan, Febriani and Wardhani, Rulyanti Susi and Rahman, Muh. Akil The Role of Dividend Policy in Inventing the Effect of Accounting Profit, Cash Flow, Operation and Corporate Size on the Price of Closing Stock. The Basic and Applied Accounting Research Journal (BAARJ).

Awaluddin, Murtiadi Syarat Tambahan Pembimbingan 40 Mahasiswa. [Materi Perkuliahan] (Belum Pernah Diterbitkan)

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