Karya Ilmiah dengan Subjek "300 Ilmu Sosial > 333 Ekonomi Tanah & Energi > 333.75 Sumber Daya Hutan"

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Number of items at this level: 2.


Annisa, Nur Rachma (2018) Valuasi Ekonomi Sumber Daya Hutan Mangrove di Desa Tongke-Tongke Kecamatan Sinjai Timur. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar.


Sabri, Muhammad and Salahuddin, Muh. and M. Nunsi, Lanri Febrianty and Datu, Nurcholish Madjid The Cosmology of Tana Toa: Local Knowledge, Traditions, and Experiences of Forest Preservation in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 14 (3). ISSN 2068-7729

This list was generated on Sat Oct 12 16:57:28 2024 WITA.