Developing Suggested ELT Material Based on Religious Moderation for the Eleventh Grade Students at MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao Invitation Unit

Yusuf, Nur Ainun (2024) Developing Suggested ELT Material Based on Religious Moderation for the Eleventh Grade Students at MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao Invitation Unit. Undergraduate (S1) thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar.

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The researcher used Research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model as an instructional design framework. At the analysis stage, students’ learning needs are determined through interviews with teachers and analyzing the needs of 30 students at the eleventh-grade MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao. Then create a syllabus design at the design stage that integrates the essential elements of the module created. Then the development stage, The module was developed by incorporating the 4 indicators of religious moderation through pictures, names, and examples relevant to the teaching material. The modules were validated based on the four aspects by BNSP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). The validation results show that this module is declared valid and suitable to be taught in class with content feasibility (3.86), presentation feasibility (3.88), language feasibility (4.00), and graphic feasibility (4.08).

Tipe Item: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi/Laporan D3 (Undergraduate (S1))
Kata Kunci: English education; research and development (R&D); ELT material; religious moderation; ADDIE model; Madrasah Aliyah
Subjek: 200 Agama > 2X7 Filsafat dan Pengembangannya > 2X7.3 Pendidikan Agama Islam, Pendidikan Islam, Sekolah Islam
200 Agama > 2X7 Filsafat dan Pengembangannya > 2X7.3 Pendidikan Agama Islam, Pendidikan Islam, Sekolah Islam > 2X7.332 Madrasah Aliyah
300 Ilmu Sosial > 371 Institusi Pendidikan, Sekolah dan Aktifitasnya > 371.3 Metode Belajar Mengajar, Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Lembaga/Fakultas/Jurusan: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Irawati Irawati
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2024 02:10
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 02:10

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